Think pest control, think rats. There are two main species of rat in the UK although the Black rat (or ship rat) is so rare as to be almost irrelevant.
The Norway rat is the dominant rat species in the UK and is widely distributed and widely successful. Like any pest, rats are opportunists and can live in most areas and survive on many different types of food.
These rodents gnaw constantly and can destroy your property. They can cause fires and flooding as well as spreading disease. Their control is crucial in protecting public health and giving families and workers a clean environment. Rat presence is simply not tolerated by Environmental Health Professional. Similarly, auditors for farms and food businesses are obligated to take the strongest possible measures should the presence of rats become apparent.
Acclaim Environmental can offer comprehensive rat control, proofing and removal of items likely to facilitate their movement. Our Integrated approach is mindful of other vulnerable species and our control measures are always carried out in accordance with best practice as all our technicians hold Wildlife Aware status.
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